Over 200 publications using MAS1 data have appeared in a large range of respected national and international journals. To explore this extensive list, please visit CHeBA’s Publications. Several of the MAS1’s most recent papers are listed below.
Dietary Patterns and Cognitive Health in Older Adults: Findings from the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study | Chen, X., Liu, Z., Sachdev, P. S., Kochan, N. A., O’Leary, F., & Brodaty, H. | The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 1-8. January 2021 |
The Association of Dilated Perivascular Spaces with Cognitive Decline and Incident Dementia | Paradise M, Crawford JD, Lam BCP, Wen W, Kochan NA, Makkar S, Dawes L, Trollor J, Draper B, Brodaty H, Sachdev PS. | Neurology. January 2021 |
Cross-lagged modeling of cognition and social network size in the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study | Casey, A. N. S., Liu, Z., Kochan, N. A., Sachdev, P. S., & Brodaty, H. | The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. November 2020 |
There are no MAS2 publications at this time.