The Memory & Ageing Study 2 (MAS2) will have various add-on studies that participants can choose to participate in. This is in addition to the main MAS2.

Vision and Hearing

Conducted by School of Optometry at UNSW.

Aim: Determine ocular biomarkers for cardio- and cerebrovascular disease, cognitive decline and dementia.

Falls and Balance

Conducted at NeuRA.

Aim: Determine the best prognostic test/s for falls in a large representative sample of community living older people and determine how novel assessment measures of gait adaptability, sleep quantity and remotely collected gait and physical activity measures predict falls.

Bone Density and Physical Activity

Conducted at University of Sydney.

Aim: Explore the associations between bone density, physical activity and cognitive ageing.

Mind Your Heart

Conducted at Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

Aim: Explore the relationship between cardiometabolic biomarkers and brain ageing and cerebral vascular change.